What we can do about Putin invading Ukraine

Kevin Shay
2 min readFeb 25, 2022

Steps include boycotts, energy efficiency and independence, supporting international alliances in democratic nations

If there were any doubts about whether Vladimir Putin, who has pretty much commandeered Russia as an authoritarian leader since 1999, was a dictator, his invasion of Ukraine cleared those away in a hurry.

Putin wants to return Russia to its Soviet Union days. Democratic nations cannot allow that.

Here are some steps to take, both individually and collectively:

  • Lobby the Biden administration to impose more economic sanctions on Russia. Individuals can boycott Russian companies, tourist visits to Russia, and other ties. Try to do it in a way that impacts the Russian government and not average people, many of whom do not support Putin. It’s a tough situation in Russia; look how political opponent Alexei Navalny was poisoned and imprisoned for trying to oppose Putin in Russia. The international community should do more. Perhaps the United Nations can suspend Russia from meetings for awhile.
A demonstrator in Germany protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 sends a message to Putin. [Photo by Loris/ Unsplash]
  • Pursue greater energy efficiency measures. Drive vehicles that get better gas mileage. Consider an electric or hybrid vehicle. Cut down on unnecessary trips. Improve energy efficiency in your home though better insulation, newer windows, more efficient cooling and…



Kevin Shay

Investigated the JFK and January 6th plots. Walked and drove across nations. Also writes a bit. More at https://www.amazon.com/Kevin-J.-Shay/e/B004BCQRTG